Friday, July 22, 2011

Its Goal Is Greater Than The Challenges, Organizational Change Management

Its Goal Is Greater Than The Challenges, Organizational Change Management
Remind yourself why you and your team with the company. Companies are going through changes, to take a brilliant talents to maintain and respect the goals of the organization. The purpose of the organization is bigger than any single organization. Sometimes difficult decisions must be made to keep it. When one remembers the great, because new challenges in perspective of the organization.
Consider this quote made by Peter Drucker, management consultant, "The purpose of business is to produce goods and services to customers and offering jobs to employees and executives, or dividends to shareholders."
During the 60's, while my father was in college, he was a student leader of the student movement for civil rights in Atlanta. I once asked my father why he decided to get involved in the civil rights movement. After all, was a college student. I asked, "Why put yourself in danger? He replied:" I did it for my children do not have to go through the same living conditions. "
Obviously, the 60 was played in changing times, but he does not know what you might think was a game for change. He had a larger, selfless purpose. It was an avant-garde interior driven applications. I once thought was Game Changers everything they do for themselves. I discovered that its great.
It was not him. It could easily be the root of his talent. His father was a great singer and a source of inspiration for students, which is probably why he was elected leader of the movement student movement.
He used these gifts to something bigger than themselves. They contribute to greater benefit. He was a big reason. When you find a reason why, your goal should be greater challenges.
I recently read the story and the creation of the VHS video recorder from JVC. For those of you who do not remember, was the VCR VCR. Videotape was the first DVD. Y Gen six players, DVD-ROM, which was out just before the Blue Ray. You know, Redbox is the second album alternative.
The original model of the VTR, which was published has been huge and expensive (over $ 2500 U.S.), certainly not a cheap model for the typical family. After Sony released model smaller and cheaper than the Betamax player. The challenge is that he has managed a bunch of time.
JVC team understood that he had to stop thinking like engineers and what was technically possible, such as the consumer thinks and what the people wanted.
They had to focus on the needs of those they were trying to serve, who needed a smaller, cheaper player with a group that went for 2 hours. Their dream was that every house has a video recorder and make life more fun.
How does the JVC, less than the industry currently take on the task to get there? They created a matrix of conditions to be met before the first VHS was produced. These conditions included requirements that made it easy to use and connect with the house, and also that it should be easy to manufacture. JVC is a small and in need of clothes leading manufacturers to help manage demand. Wow, it's easy for consumers to get and use it and make it easier for others to replicate.
It was all in order to have a VCR in every home and make life more fun. Enlarge designed to focus on the big picture. If you want more performance from your team, reminding them again why the company is in existence. Remember that the result was not the original intent. It is a goal no doubt, but not its purpose.
According to the Harvard Business Review, worked for an organization that has significantly higher work motivation for employees. Remind your team why they are there, and the difference you all.
For more information about the source of inspiration, visit
Robert Felder is a motivational speaker for business, investor, award-winning martial artist known for delivering high-energy performance that inspires the public to make innovative changes in the workplace. Robert is passionate about teaching strategies to create positive paradigm shift in personal and professional environments.


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